Subscribers who complain have two choices as the complaint relates to their account.  They can receive credit or a copy of the paper in compensation for the complaint.  When the subscriber wants a copy of the paper, Dart refers to this as a recoverable complaint.


Monitoring recoverable complaints is important to avoid late or missed recovery complaints – “adding insult to injury” for the subscriber.


The Recoverable Complaints page serves two purposes:

3.   It is a query tool to view your recoverable complaints.  You can see the subscriber info. 

4.   You can create and print a report to give to your carriers or call subscribers in your verification work.


To the right, the header feature buttons “Refresh” and “Download Spreadsheet”.  Click “Refresh” to refresh data in the plant selected.


Below, you see a description of the fields displayed on the Recoverable Complaints page.


Field Name


Account No.

The publisher's account number.

Recoverable Route

What is the recovery route assigned to this complaint?

Created At

Time the complaint was created in Dart.


The route who delivered the account on the date of the complaint.

Reason Code

What is the reason for the complaint?   This is the code used by your company.  If your company translates all publisher codes to a single set of reason codes for your company, this code may be different than the Publisher Reason Code.  For example, a missed paper may have a code of "MP" from one publisher, "MISSED" from another, and "MPPR" from a third.  Your company may choose to translate all of these to "MP" to make it easier for your carriers to understand.

Pub. Reason Code

What is the reason for the complaint in the publisher's system?  This is code used by the publisher to define the reason for the complaint.  If your company translates all publisher codes to a single set of reason codes for your company, this code may be different than the Reason Code.  For example, a missed paper may have a code of "MP" from one publisher, "MISSED" from another, and "MPPR" from a third.  Your company may choose to translate all of these to "MP" to make it easier for your carriers to understand.


What product was the subscriber expecting?


Which day(s) of the week does the subscriber expect delivery of this product?


Home phone number of the subscriber.

Last Name

Subscriber's last name as defined in the publisher's system.


A condensed, concatenated version of the delivery address.  House number, street name, city, and other Dart address fields all found in one field.

Complaint Text

This is a message from the subscriber or the publisher’s customer care representative.

Missing From

The start date of the date range for the complaint.  It is typically the issue date for the complaint.  When making a recovery, pay close attention to this field so that you recover the correct issues.

Missing To

The end-date of the date range for the complaint.  This is typically the issue date(s) for the complaint.  Most complaints have a missing-to date that matches the missing-from date because the complaint applies to just one issue.


If you want to do some analysis of your recoverable complaints, or you want to print the list, it is helpful to download the list to Excel.  To do this, click on Download Spreadsheet.



Click open or save at this prompt.



Click yes at this error message.



Below is a sample of what the downloaded file will look like.