Not all complaints are created equal.  Some complaints are more serious than others and require a more formal response.  In your organization, you might call them escalations, urgent complaints, formals, or something else.  In Dart, we call them Hot Complaints.

The Hot Complaints page serves two purposes:

1.   It is a query tool to view your hot complaints.  You can see subscriber info and the status of the complaint. 

2.   You can create and print a report to give to your carriers or call subscribers in your verification work.




The fields you can select are as follows:



To choose the date range of your query, use the start date and end date fields.  They are date pickers, so when you click on them, a calendar will appear.  Click on the date you want.



Resolution status allows you to see complaints that are open or closed.  An open complaint means that it has not been resolved in the Hot Complaints Verification page.  A closed complaint has a status of “Visual Verification”, “Subscriber Confirmed”, or “No Further Action”.  To see both open and closed complaints, choose “All”.



Account Clean indicates whether or not the data associated with the account is clean and correct.  A clean account is not a wild card or a kickout, and is sequenced.  Choose “Yes”, “No”, or “All” according to what you want to see.



Select the deliverable day:



To the right, the header features buttons “Show Complaints” and “Download Spreadsheet”.  Click “Show Complaints” to refresh data in the plant selected.



Below, you see a description of the fields displayed when you click “Show Complaints”.


Field Name



What product was the subscriber expecting?

Reason Code

What is the reason for the complaint?   This is the code used by your company.  If your company translates all publisher codes to a single set of reason codes for your company, this code may be different than the Publisher Reason Code.  For example, a missed paper may have a code of "MP" from one publisher, "MISSED" from another, and "MPPR" from a third.  Your company may choose to translate all of these to "MP" to make it easier for your carriers to understand.

Pub. Reason Code

What is the reason for the complaint in the publisher's system?  This is code used by the publisher to define the reason for the complaint.  If your company translates all publisher codes to a single set of reason codes for your company, this code may be different than the Reason Code.  For example, a missed paper may have a code of "MP" from one publisher, "MISSED" from another, and "MPPR" from a third.  Your company may choose to translate all of these to "MP" to make it easier for your carriers to understand.



Warehouse is an alternate point within your plant's territory where carrier's pick up papers.  Also known as a drop site or out-drop.



the route who delivered the account on the date of the complaint


Yes or No value that tells you if the hot complaint has been resolved in Hot Complaint Verification

Resolution Steps

Displays the latest resolution step in Hot Complaint Verification

Resolution Timing

Is the account past-due?

Account Clean

Yes or No value that tells you if the account is clean.  Clean accounts are not kickouts or wildcards and are valid products in the plant.


Which day(s) of the week does the subscriber expect delivery of this product?


The date the complaint was entered into Dart.  This date is almost always the same as the date when the subscriber reported the complaint to the publisher.

Created At

time the complaint was created in Dart


is the account recoverable

Recoverable Route

What is the recovery route assigned to this complaint?

Recoverable Verification

If the recovery driver has confirmed that the recovery was made to this subscriber, you will see it here

Client ID

This field defines the company with which your plant is associated.

Account No.

the publisher's account number


Home phone number of the subscriber.

Last Name

Subscriber's last name as defined in the publisher's system.

House. No

House number of the subscriber's address.

House. No. Affix

If the house number contains a fraction, you will find it here.

Pre Direction

If the street name has a compass direction, it will be seen here.

Street Name

The street where the subscriber receives delivery.


Street, Avenue, Lane, Road, etc.


If the subscriber's account has a floor defined, you will see it here.


If the subscriber's account has an apartment defined, you will see it here.


If the subscriber's account has a building defined, you will see it here.


In what city does the subscriber receive delivery?


The zip or postal code of the subscriber's delivery address. 


This is a message from the subscriber or the publisher’s customer care representative.

Missing From

The start date of the date range for the complaint.  It is typically the issue date for the complaint.

Missing To

The end-date of the date range for the complaint.  This is typically the issue date(s) for the complaint.  Most complaints have a missing-to date that matches the missing-from date because the complaint applies to just one issue.


Is this complaint chargeable for your plant's CPM?  If so, will have a "Y" is this field.


Is the complaint chargeable against your performance CPM?

Record ID

If the publisher sends a unique ID for each complaint, it will be visible here.

ClientTracking Number

If the subscriber's account has a clienttracking number defined, you will see it here.


Hot Complaint Reports

The Dart Hot Complaint page can produce Hot Complaint reporting that is intended for two purposes while following up:

1.   As a hard copy list for the carrier.  Carriers who do not use Dart DSP Mobile tools can make notes to give you later.  Carriers who use DSP Mobile can verify hot complaints and enter comments on their mobile device.

2.   As a hard copy list for you to use while discussing complaints with carriers and/or calling subscribers.


To create these reports, click on “Export to PDF”.



The pop-up below will ask you for the following info:


1.   Enter the delivery date.

2.   Use the check boxes to tailor the report to your specific process:

a.   “Include Phone” will add the subscribers’ home phone numbers for your follow-up calls.  You may want to exclude this data for a report to give to carriers.

b.   “Order by DSP” will sort the complaints by carrier and then by route.  If your carrier force tends to have more than one route, this can be helpful in distributing the reports.

c.   “Include all Open regardless of filters” will keep closed/resolved complaints off these reports.  This reduces the report size and keeps clutter out of the reports so that carriers and staff focus specifically on what requires action.


After making your checkbox selections, click on “Print”.  You will see this confirmation message.  Click “OK”.



Go to the PDF Reports tab here:



Recent reports generated will appear.  To see the latest report, you may need to click the green “Refresh” icon.



If you wanted to download the PDF Report click on the orange arrow. 


If you are using Chrome you will see the file on the bottom left hand corner.  Click on the file. 



Here is a sample of the report.