This area is necessary for you to complete for each of your users of your system.


There are multiple levels to choose for a user.  You will need to determine the access level for each user first, then assign the level to the user.



To begin registration of a user:

First enter the users First and Last name.

Next create a USERNAME for the user.




Example: last name first initial and a random number.


Next create a password for the user and confirm that password.

Enter the user email address.



Now using the drop down list, choose the correct Role or level of access for this user.  

Some of the more commonly used Roles are:

Admin2:/  LDG: / Plant Access





Click on Register.



Remember:  Inform the user of their password and also have them test their access by reviewing the TABS available while they are signed in.


You have completed the New Users access to your system.